Important Information – Non-Comp Spectactor Areas at Gannons Park

Lugarno FC would like to welcome everyone back to football. We hope all the players, coaches, managers, family and friends enjoyed the first week back as much as we did! We have had fantastic feedback regarding the new fields, canteen, change rooms and amenities.

However, we are living in unprecedented times and in order to keep the games going and players on the field we have to adhere to the guidelines defined by the health authorities and government.

We have new bright yellow Perimeter Ropes which we have used to create one large playing zone around all of the junior playing fields. Only Players, Coaches and Managers are allowed in the playing zone, please refer to the image below. You will notice on the diagram that the green area is the acceptable spectating area and the red area is the playing zone.

Due to the current advice from the relevant authorities all supporters MUST say outside the playing zone and responsibly maintain social distancing. We appreciate that while these measures might seem excessive to some and frustrating to others, it is our way of doing our bit to protect out players and their families while ensuring that we can continue and finish the season.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Posted in News.

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